Here you will see postings of news items and stories related to the little town of Flemington New Jersey. This is not intended for postings of Happy Joyous and mindless items like other sites but real issues not attended to by others.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Republican sweep in Flemington!
From Flemington's mayor to the common council, all republican candidates took control or won their respective bids this past elections. Even though registered voter turnout was only 48% of registered voters in the Hunterdon County area (expected low turnout in mid term elections) the consequences of what happened this past November 2nd elections are already being felt. There is an expected property tax increase proposed and will likely pass despite the promises the so called taxed too much party claimed to keep low. Now the residents that voted for the change will have to put up with the republican parties real plan to raise taxes, lower social programs and create havoc on all levels of government starting with locally. The voters that stayed silent (52%) this past elections will have to wait until next elections to put things right thats if they really want it at all. It seems that the the deceptive practices of the republican rich man's party representing really the socially elite 2% of us and the large uncontrolled investment in ad campaign has worked to convince many of us in thinking they are on our side. So next time you see your tax bill or other rate increases, give yourself a good pat on the back for making this possible and hope they do not make too much damages to your wallets before we are all able to fix this mess next elections, just saying. Election results can be viewed at:
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Latino Health Fair Event held at Hunter Hills.
Today the residents of the area living in the Hunter Hills Apartment complex in Flemington, NJ enjoyed a very helpful and informative "Latino Health Fair". It was put together (or organized) by a local church organization with the cooperation and permission of the Hunter Hills complex owners. It couldn't of been a better day for such an event with sun and a mild breeze that all enjoyed including the many kids present. I was really surprise to see the event since no announcement I can recall was made at least that I could remember. I'm sure they announced it somewhere (I hope) but still a pleasant surprise all the same. The hispanic or Latino community in this area have been marginalized for some time now and it's refreshing to see this type of event give helpful information pertinent to this community. All were welcomed to attend and no one was turned away because many Latino issues addressed there are also everyone else's concern, after all we are all human beings and God's children, aren't we?
There were several organizations represented at the event like the Hunterdon's Regional Cancer Center, the local YMCA, the Hunterdon Prevention Resources and others. I spoke to a few of the representatives of these groups or organizations and got a clear idea of what they are trying to do (I think?), some good on face value anyway. The YMCA representative (Gabriela) spoke to me about the importance of exercise and the many other services the local YMCA has to offer like financial assistance programs. She also spoke about the dangers in pedestrian accidents and the new laws to enforce drivers to STOP, not just for people crossing roads but for those on bicycles too. For more on the local YMCA programs, call at 908-782-1044 ext. 638 or visit them at 144 West Woodschurch Road, Flemington. You can also email them at or vista their web site at www.hcymca.or
I also spoke to a representative of Hunterdon's Prevention Resources (Flor?) pointing out the importance of good strong family values and the many dangers of prescribed medications. Many parents and or seniors today have many dangerous unused medications that are presently available to our children and are being taken by them and putting their lives in danger. This is NOT just a Latino issue people but effects all of us today. You as a parent may not be even aware of this problem or that exists within your home until it's too late. For information about them, call at 908-782-3909 or at web site
I then I spoke with a young man who represented Highlands Health Van that comes by Church Street in Flemington every Tuesday. The van was supposed to have shown up at the event but some issues prevented that from happening. This van or mobile clinic provides some basic key type health care and at a very affordable cost of just $20 per visit as compared to what it would cost you a visit and your local ER or even doctors office even with insurance coverage. You can find out more about their services by going to or calling them at 908-968-0898. We need more events like this in area, state and nationally.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Street Vending Sale in Flemington, NJ & Balloon Close call.

This past Saturday the 18th my historic town of Flemington, New Jersey had another successful street fair on Main Street with music and many vendors to draw in the public. The ailing economy and this towns shortfalls in commerce due to outside larger retail stores present has aided the lost of much town commerce and many store closings yet this little town (the seat of Hunterdon County) still has a lot to offer with its charm not found in the close existence of Walmart in Raritan Township. This town needs to promote itself with it uniquely has to offer and not try to compete with the ever increasing large chain retail stores it's surrounded with. The car shows are over but much can be done to draw in the public to this town and incentives must be given to do so by our local elected officials (municipality). Let us hope they do so before more local charm commerce is lost and Flemington becomes a ghost town.
Many also enjoyed a show of arial balloons, becoming quite common in our area but this past 14th of September the residents near Hunterdon Mews and Hunter Hills just off North Main Street came to a close call. This particular ballon came quite close to landing on top of the apartment complexes but the operators worked toward avoiding this and I believe landed further away in I hope a safe open field. Such are the events in this great little town of ours, lets hope it stays this way.
If you want to follow events in the historic town of Flemington, New Jersey, a good place to go to is,, and the towns official web site and of course check in here when you can plus (my little youtube link to Flemington issues)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Not too long ago, I experienced (what I perceived to be) a anti-hispanic environment at a local small bank here in Flemington, New Jersey. While I was waiting to open a new account, I over heard racial comments from one of the tellers while they were speaking to one of the clients. I did not consider it seriously since (to tell you the truth) this type of experience has been very rare to me. The teller took no notice that I was their waiting to see a bank rep to open an account. When the rep came, I was given the cold shoulder treatment having spoken to that exact person days before about opening an account and him being aware of my hispanic roots. I was rejected from opening a simple checking account, me a responsible person with NO issues what so ever much to my surprise. When I asked about it, I was given very limited information and a slip of paper to get my chex report and to their apparent delight left frustrated and embarrassed. These individuals actions in this small local bank was present and their desire not to attend even a LEGAL 4th generation US born hispanic (something they may have not considered before pre-judging me based on my name). I immediately sent a message to the banks main offices and got a response from their VP in support of the racist bank rep's actions at the Flemington branch. This is what we have come down to today where people like this and institutions can discriminate against people who's race they do not like and get the backing of their bosses without fear? Their are over 6.5 million legal Puertoricans identified latinos in the US who can vote, not to mention the other hispanic races legally here who also vote, pay taxes, serve in the military defending out country but people like this are allowed to discriminate against us openly without fear of the law. This can not be tolerated at all and must be faced down by all of us for your race could be next plus there is no such thing as one pure race, we are all racially mixed families already (mutts). This will change if I have anything to do with it. I did not serve my country and get injured just to sit by and let people and institutions like this get away with their bigotry and racism. Last contact with the bank was an unwanted and insincere apology by the offending representative to me of the Flemington branch and a weak explanation that my SS number was incorrectly entered but just happen to have my name and other specific data related to me? Yeah right, believe that one and you are more gullible then most.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Proposed budget in last vote rejected!
The proposed school budget in yesterdays election was overwhelmingly rejected by the Flemington voters. Was this in response to the governors appeals to voters to do so or is there an underlying reason for this and was it truly a anti-teacher response by the voters? I really do not believe it was an anti-teacher position but an anti-tax and enough is enough on spending. I have heard in the news and on radio (101.5) the bull shifting the blame on the teachers for the high costs of the state and local government but no real mention on the very high costs of administration. High salariries and perks for the elite in the education system seems to be tabu yet it really represents the higher ratio of costs. I mean can you really justify a 6 figure salary to anyone inside the education system when teachers and most of us don't even come close? The well off (rich) have convinced many of us to think its the teachers and unions doing to the state when it is them that are abusing the system. How about salary cut, freeze or elimination on our elected officials in the state or school board? Does anyone in the media radio or TV willing to expose the real costs involved and where that money is really going not to mention corruption schemes? No this is not being done so we as individuals must educate ourselves and use the power of our vote & speech (exposure). For those of you normal people among our great state that have been brain washed into thinking our teachers and unions are evil, take care your job maybe next to be targetted by the wealthy of our state. For results about our elections, go to NJ.COM for more.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Raid in Flemington!
Just this past few days at about 1-2AM the Police raided an apartment of the Hunter Hills apartment complex in Flemington, New Jersey with special swat like squad police forces armed to the teeth. They came in a special vehicle with dogs covered from head to toe with special armed gear and what looked like high powered weapons and broke into the apartment. No mention of this incident was made either on the police blog locally or on the local newspaper and only what seemed to be a small TV or monitor was removed by detectives after several minutes of taking pictures. Unknown as to who was arrested, or anything for that matter.
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