This past Saturday the 18th my historic town of Flemington, New Jersey had another successful street fair on Main Street with music and many vendors to draw in the public. The ailing economy and this towns shortfalls in commerce due to outside larger retail stores present has aided the lost of much town commerce and many store closings yet this little town (the seat of Hunterdon County) still has a lot to offer with its charm not found in the close existence of Walmart in Raritan Township. This town needs to promote itself with it uniquely has to offer and not try to compete with the ever increasing large chain retail stores it's surrounded with. The car shows are over but much can be done to draw in the public to this town and incentives must be given to do so by our local elected officials (municipality). Let us hope they do so before more local charm commerce is lost and Flemington becomes a ghost town.
Many also enjoyed a show of arial balloons, becoming quite common in our area but this past 14th of September the residents near Hunterdon Mews and Hunter Hills just off North Main Street came to a close call. This particular ballon came quite close to landing on top of the apartment complexes but the operators worked toward avoiding this and I believe landed further away in I hope a safe open field. Such are the events in this great little town of ours, lets hope it stays this way.
If you want to follow events in the historic town of Flemington, New Jersey, a good place to go to is http://culturemob.com/flemington-nj, http://www.americantowns.com/nj/flemington/events, and the towns official web site http://www.historicflemington.com/ and of course check in here when you can plus http://www.youtube.com/flemingtonnewjersey (my little youtube link to Flemington issues)
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