Monday, April 22, 2013

Comcast ISP services continues to be Ignored!

I had high hopes and still believe that this company will try with some level of effort to provide a proper and stable Internet service to the Flemington, NJ area and others in central New Jersey. Even though I have been dealing with his issue for many years and I was given assurances from cooperate office official to deal with the problem, I was forced to file a formal complaint with the FCC, BBB online and others to come where I hope the pressures f these monitoring protectionist organizations will in some meaningful way put the Comcast Issue in their sights and finally have it fixed in some acceptable way, not perfect but as close as I can and I encourage others to do the same.

The main thrust of the issues with Comcast's Internet Services that I have been concerned and others in my area have been the inability to provide a somewhat stable signal by coming close to the advertised speeds prepackage and offered of at least 50% or better, to finally accept and inform customers when there are real issues of the services rather then saying that there are no issues or problems by the assigned customer services Representative who answer customers calls, and finally to truly reflect with their assurances the bill sent out every month for services provided.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

This latest podcast covers many topics of mine and that of others who attended the meeting this past Thursday. Among the many topics covered is the availability of the public Web Cameras where you can view and or record the events that take place on the streets of Flemington, NJ by directing yourself to the following link, (thats the port 81 in case you use an android app or other) and also Each one provides a different angle on the road adjacent to my building(s) (Garden Lane and North Main Street) and gives a new meaning to the phrase "Community Watch". Al you need to do is to login (after activating ActiveX and some other things in IE environment) with the username "guest" but no password, leave blank. It should provide for hours of boredom and tedious video reviewing, ug!

     I also covered a semi hot topic of passing an ordinance/ proposal to make the official letter available in Spanish costing the tax payers more or taking away from town funds without the need when civic Hispanic leaders can provide a translation at no cost if it is so important to do. I also covered the dreaded Comcast Issue in our town's area affecting all of us with poor and unstable ISP signal quality. Other topics were also covered in both the podcast show referenced above and the actual town hall meeting where I against my wishes had to say something. So go ahead and check it out and always appreciate your feedback.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Flemington Town Meeting 2-11-2013

After much time away and unable to record town meetings, I finally got to one and hopefully turn it into a habit since the streaming live & recorded version of the town isn't very clear in either audio or video but they promised to fix that some time soon. In this video (2nd part of two recorded sessions) dealt with many issues but the ones that stood out is the proposal of Joey Novak for Gun Control which was quickly defeated but was discussed afterwards by several people including one resident who was affected personally by a shooting of a family member. The other hot topic or issue was the surprised attempt to have me stop recording by 2 individuals thinking I in some way will distort the video or not in my rights to record what anyone does in a public forum such as this, shame. If these people have hidden agendas that they don't want the general Flemington public to know about, now they do. I also heard references to the Agway property and development of it along with the old warehouse across from it, a need for a crossing guard (apply at local police), several tax related issues, and more. Just see it, should be clear enough to understand it. Enjoy and always comments please.