I have had in the recent past (like probably many of you) bad experiences with the medical system like hospitals, doctors and the unreasonably high charges implemented by these entities beyond what public and private insurances permit leaving us pay the rest unjustly. It is a common fact to all that most clinics, doctors and hospitals exaggerate the fees to submit to insurance without really being held accountable for their actions. We pay the fees because we consider disputing or complaining too much of a hassle mostly but is being given as real services? Unnecessary testing that has little or nothing to do with the medical condition just so these professional services get the most out of a single visit.You would think with such exuberant fees for services we would get quality but not too is not the case in fact many have become abusive in their handling of patients irritated when the patient or their families even ask reasonable questions about care. The media glorify the medical community and do not question what i really going on. One such institution is my beloved
Somerset Medical Center which has made it a habit to mistreat both patients and families, I can attest to that fact many times over. Somerset Medical Center of course has a patient advocates representative taking in complaints but that's just about all they do, no action to correct leaving the guilty parties inside this institution free to repeat over and over again their abusive and sometimes incompetent actions towards their patients and families especially in the Emergency room environment. At times they use their internal security system (guards or glorified want-to-be policemen) to put their misbehaved visitors in their place verbally or even by physical actions. I have brought this issue to the proper person in charge but again all that is done is a nice phone conversation about the issues but absolutely no action or at least none that can be verified by the party making the complaint. Then there is the staff of doctors (some not all) that seem to think they have a free pass to do as they want without no fear of retribution from senior staff. One has to ask where is our protectors like the state government agencies in charge of overseeing these abuses or the Medicare/ Medicaid system, the largest source of income for most medical facilities and doctors regulated by our federal government. You have to wonder why no one really can understand why out healthcare costs has grown so large and unmanageable, the medical profession has a large chunk of the blame in my view and in many people out their that experience the medical Juggernaut.

As a veteran I saw the need to seek out a private physician to take care of my ever growing medical issues knowing full well the the VA system is overwhelmed and under funded so I went to see what I thought would be a professional medical doctor (
Hunterdon Orthopedic Institute in Flemington, NJ). In my first appointment (15 minute talk with doctor and over 2 hour wait in waiting room, medicare overcharged scamming), I couldn't help hearing the staff in the office talking about how to take advantage of their patients to pay more for services by billing practices, seems to be their main concern and I should of walked out with that small clue of what to expect.To much of my surprise and shock my so called well referred orthopedic doctor (Collata) turned out to be an arrogant pom-pas ass who's only interest is the bottom dollar in my view and pay little to no care to listen to the concerns of his patience. Maybe he doesn't like injured vets or he has an issue with Hispanic people, all I know is that he made me waste my time and money and rewarded me with what amounted to useless medical sound bites with an attitude (anger?) and could not manage to read the images on the CD from the VA, I guess he had no time while on vacation and rushed in frustration. God forbid a patient of Dr., Collata should ask questions or even update him with other issues which could be relevant. I walked out of his office angry about the way I was treated and I wouldn't recommend him to treat a cow let alone another person yet some choose to ignore this pom pas incompetent ass.
So I warn all of you reading this article/ blog NOT to seek out treatment from this individual who claims to be a professional doctor and to complain to everyone (state & federal agencies, twitter, blogs, the media and if need be the the legal system) when you come across an individual or institution that have these bad practices in abusing the public in their time of need, when they are sick. Shame to all who do this and be warned you will be exposed at least by me.
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