Sunday, March 31, 2013

This latest podcast covers many topics of mine and that of others who attended the meeting this past Thursday. Among the many topics covered is the availability of the public Web Cameras where you can view and or record the events that take place on the streets of Flemington, NJ by directing yourself to the following link, (thats the port 81 in case you use an android app or other) and also Each one provides a different angle on the road adjacent to my building(s) (Garden Lane and North Main Street) and gives a new meaning to the phrase "Community Watch". Al you need to do is to login (after activating ActiveX and some other things in IE environment) with the username "guest" but no password, leave blank. It should provide for hours of boredom and tedious video reviewing, ug!

     I also covered a semi hot topic of passing an ordinance/ proposal to make the official letter available in Spanish costing the tax payers more or taking away from town funds without the need when civic Hispanic leaders can provide a translation at no cost if it is so important to do. I also covered the dreaded Comcast Issue in our town's area affecting all of us with poor and unstable ISP signal quality. Other topics were also covered in both the podcast show referenced above and the actual town hall meeting where I against my wishes had to say something. So go ahead and check it out and always appreciate your feedback.

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